I left a place called home to come to a place called home - from South Africa to Israel! The feeling this evokes is sometimes more surprising to me than snow falling in Johannesburg. I always thought home was where my parents are, where my family is. Sadly, my parents are no longer around, but I have three wonderful siblings and their families who, at present, are in three different cities on two continents. But since I arrived in Israel, I've come to realise that home is wherever I am - and that it is possible to have more than one place called home!
A journey of a thousand miles... from one City of Gold (Egoli - Johannesburg) to another (Yerushalayim shel Zahav - Jerusalem). These are just places I've experienced. But in these pages, you'll find me, Darryl Egnal, the person who has created "a journey of my own making". Be patient... the journey is only beginning!
A journey of a thousand miles... from one City of Gold (Egoli - Johannesburg) to another (Yerushalayim shel Zahav - Jerusalem). These are just places I've experienced. But in these pages, you'll find me, Darryl Egnal, the person who has created "a journey of my own making". Be patient... the journey is only beginning!