In high school, I loved to draw, to paint, to create. I wish I'd kept some of my artwork because, although I wasn't a great artist, I wasn't bad and I remember some pieces that even today, I'd be happy to have on my wall. My art teacher thought I was wonderful and he really believed in me. However, I knew I wouldn't be able to compete with real artists and painters so after school, I relegated my drawing to sketches and cartoons.
When my father bought his first Canon camera, I knew I was going to paint with a lens. I ended up using his camera more than he did and became the "official" family photographer. But although my eyes can see the perfect photo, my technical skills sometimes leave a lot to be desired. This doesn't bother me because those imperfections are what I love in a photograph.
Children are my favourite subjects. They have such a natural beauty about them. They express pure joy and happiness and they are uninhibited in their play; there is no pretense, no hiding and they have no worries about the world around them. They live in the moment and this is what I love to capture. Their laughter, their joy, their freedom... But they are not all on which I focus, as you will see in these pages.
Enjoy the faces, places, spaces and other things you'll see here.
Have Canon, will shoot!